General description

5th Congress of Polish Clusters will be an accompanying event of the conference entitled Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit 2019, organized by the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology, Poland. The Polish Cluster Association is a honorable co-organizer of the above mentioned event.
This year's theme of the Congress: "For yourself or for others"? Is cluster a useful tool for the development of innovative economy and job creation", is to stimulate debate on economic cooperation in leading areas of industry and services, intelligent European, national and regional specialisations and economic growth based on innovation through the activities of clusters.
I cordially invite you to take part in the 5th Congress and the Regional Government and Economic Diplomacy Summit 2019 in Warsaw, where issues from three thematic areas will be discussed - local government, business and science.

5th Congress of Polish Clusters
an accompanying event (the panels are held in parallel)
Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit, Poland 2019
The main theme of the Congress of Polish Clusters:
"For yourself or for others"?
Are clusters a useful tool for the development of innovative economy and job creation?
(innovation, new technologies, economic cooperation in leading areas of industry and services. Intelligent European, national and regional specialisations).
Warsaw, 9-10 September 2019
Hilton Warsaw Hotel and Convention Centre, 63 Grzybowska Street
5th Congress of Polish Clusters is an accompanying event to the conference entitled Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit 2019, which is organized by the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology.
We cordially invite everyone to participate in the panels of the REDS Summit.
9 September 2019
Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit, Poland 2019REGISTRATION
Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit, Poland 2019OFFICIAL WELCOME AND INTRODUCTORY REMARKS
Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland
Representative of theMinistry of Entrepreneurship and Technology
Representative of the OECD -
Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit, Poland 2019SPECIAL EVENT
Signing the Warsaw declaration for the establishment of the European Clusters Alliance
Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit, Poland 2019Keynote Speeches
Representatives of the Polish and foreign local government
Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit, Poland 2019OPENING PLENARY SESSION I | CLUSTERS SESSION
Clusters as aCompetitive Advantage of Regions
IN PARTNERSHIP WITH: Polish Clusters Association -
Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit, Poland 2019NETWORKING BREAK
Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit, Poland 2019PLENARY SESSION II | MINISTERIAL SESSION
Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit, Poland 2019LUNCH BREAK
Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit, Poland 2019PLENARY SESSION III
Paradiplomacy and Regional Development
IN PARTNERSHIP WITH: Polish Institute of International Affairs14:00-14:15
Opening 5th Congress of Polish Clusters
Welcome to participants and opening presentation/Key note address/Introduction
Construction industry as an innovative branch of the economy.
Tomasz Kozłowski - President (Eastern Construction Cluster)
Artur Soboń - Deputy Minister (Ministry of Investment and Development) tbc
Wojciech Trojanowski - Member of the Management Board (Strabag Sp. z.o.o.)
Krzysztof Żarnotal - Proxy of the Management Board (Synthos S.A.)
Irena Łobocka - Coordinator (Sustainable Infrastructure Cluster)
Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit, Poland 2019NETWORKING BREAK
Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit, Poland 2019BREAKOUT SESSION 1.1 | LOCAL GOVERNMENT
How to expand a Brand of a Region? The Local Dimension and Examples of Public Diplomacy
Automotive - an industry that is particularly important for European economies
Luc Palmen - President (InnoCo Sp. z o.o.)
Łukasz Górecki - Manager (Silesia Automotive & Advanced Manufacturing Cluster)
Marcin Kropidłowski - Member of the Management Board (Bydgoszcz Industrial Cluster)
Martyna Gatkowska - Expert in the area: Innovations in SMEs (National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the European Union )
Representative of the Research Network Institute Łukasiewicz
Karol Szadkowski (AMZ Kutno S.A.)
Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit, Poland 2019BREAKOUT SESSION 1.2 | BUSINESS
Business organizations and the local government – how to achieve a synergy?
IN PARTNERSHIP WITH:Polish Confederation Lewiatan15:45-16:45
Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit, Poland 2019BREAKOUT SESSION 1.3 | SCIENCE
Science (Education?) and Business - Examples of Systemic Solutions and Good Practices in Innovation
IN PARTNERSHIP WITH: Ministry of Science and Higher Education -
Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit, Poland 2019NETWORKING BREAK
Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit, Poland 2019BREAKOUT SESSION 1.1 | LOCAL GOVERNMENT
How to benefit from territorial cooperation?
IN PARTNERSHIP WITH:Ministry of Investment and Economic Development17:00-18:00
Aviation and Drones, opportunities for the development of industry and services in Poland and the EU, based on new technologies related to unmanned aerial vehicles.
Krzysztof Krystowski - President of Polish Clusters Association, President Silesia Aviation Cluster
Małgorzata Darowska - Proxy of the Minister of Infrastructure for UAV
Christina Eisenberg - Network Manager GRW Network CURPAS
Leszek Walczak - President of the Management Board - Chief Executive Officer (Military Aviation Works No. 2) tbc
Sylwester Wyka - Deputy Director (Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Aviation)
Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit, Poland 2019BREAKOUT SESSION 2.2 | BUSINESS
Direct Forms of Supporting and Financing the Activities of Clusters
IN PARTNERSHIP WITH: Polish Clusters Association17:00-18:00
Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit, Poland 2019BREAKOUT SESSION 2.3 | SCIENCE
Scientific and Academic Excellence at the Regional Level - Best Practices
IN PARTNERSHIP WITH: Ministry of Science and Higher Education
10 września 2019
Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit, Poland 2019DISCUSSION WITH THE SPECIAL GUEST
Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit, Poland 2019PLENARY SESSION III
Enterprising Regions - an Innovative Economy (regions in time of the industry 4.0)
Green economy. Ecological methods of production, production and supply of energy, closed-loop economy.
Katarzyna Błachowicz - Manager (Waste Management and Recycling Cluster)
Joanna Podgórska - Director (Innovation and Business Development Department, PGNiG S.A.)
Agnieszka Jakubiak - Coordinator of R&D areas (The National Center for Research and Development)
Przemysław Wojdyła - Vice President, Member of The Board (The Association West Pomeranian Chemical Cluster GREEN CHEMISTRY)
Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit, Poland 2019NETWORKING BREAK
Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit, Poland 2019BREAKOUT SESSION 3.1 | LOCAL GOVERNMENT
The Role of Local Partnership (town twinning) in the Process of European Economic Integration
IN PARTNERSHIP WITH: Association of Polish Citiesand Union of the Provinces of the Republic of Poland
Biotech and pharmaceutical industry in Poland.
Paweł Nowicki - President (BTM Fund)
Radosław Sierpiński - President (The Medical Research Agency)
Marek Szołtysik - Director (Nutribiomed Cluster, Wroclaw Technology Park)
Anna Kacprzyk - Head of Innovation and Public Affairs (The Employers' Union of Innovative Pharmaceutical Companies INFARMA)
Representative of the Research Network Institute Łukasiewicz
dr n. med. Grzegorz suwalski - Cardiosurgeon
Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit, Poland 2019BREAKOUT SESSION 3.2 | BUSINESS
Clusters as a Mechanism for Attracting Foreign Investments
IN PARTNERSHIP WITH: Polish Clusters Association
Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit, Poland 2019BREAKOUT SESSION 3.3 | SCIENCE
Scientific Cross-border Cooperation at the Regional Level
IN PARTNERSHIP WITH: Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit, Poland 2019LUNCH BREAK
Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit, Poland 2019BREAKOUT SESSION 4.1 | LOCAL GOVERNMENT
Regional and Economic Diplomacy Through Transboundary Tourism Cooperation
IN PARTNERSHIP WITH: Polish Tourism Organisation
ICT as a fast-growing sector of Innovation. Networking and cyber-security.
Wojciech Moczulski - Member of the Management Board (Skytech Products Sp. z o.o.), Director of the Institute of Machine Construction, Silesian University of Technology
Rafał Jaczyński - Regional Cyber Security Officer, CEE & Nordics (Huawei Polska)
Piotr Olesiński - President (ITM S.A.)
Krzysztof Surgowt - President (VERIORI) tbc
Representative of the Research Network Institute Łukasiewicz
Mariusz Stachnik - President (Mazovia ICT Cluster)
Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit, Poland 2019BREAKOUT SESSION 4.2 | BUSINESS
Cluster Internationalization as a Bridge to Build International Business Connections (including SMEs)
Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit, Poland 2019BREAKOUT SESSION 4.3 | SCIENCE
Supporting University Internationalization and Integration
IN PARTNERSHIP WITH: Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit, Poland 2019NETWORKING BREAK
Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit, Poland 2019BREAKOUT SESSION 5.1 | LOCAL GOVERNMENT
Successful Cross-border Cooperation of Cities and Regions
IN PARTNERSHIP WITH: Association of Polish Cities and Union of the Provinces of the Republic of Poland
Tourism "industry" new opportunities and new creative ideas
Krzysztof Krystowski - President of Polish Clusters Association, President of Silesian Aviation Cluster
Bogusław Holeksa - President (Kotarz Arena)
Teodora Jilkova - Member of the Managing Board (Consulting Cluster Veritas, Bulgaria)
Jerzy Pilch - Mayor of the Commune of Brenna
Andrzej Szostak (FlySpot)
Representative of the Kazakhstan Embassy in Poland
Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit, Poland 2019BREAKOUT SESSION 5.2 | BUSINESS
The Role of Cluster Organizations in the Process of Regional Reindustrialization
IN PARTNERSHIP WITH: Polish Clusters Association
Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit, Poland 2019BREAKOUT SESSION 5.3 | BUSINESS
Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit, Poland 2019CLOSING REMARKS


Ministerstwo Przedsiębiorczości i Technologii

Ministry Of Investment And Economic Development

Polish Investment & Trade Agency

Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju

National Contact Point in POLAND

Pracodawcy RP

Urząd Patentowy
Patronat medialny:

Raport CSR
Participation in the event is free of charge. Registration via the registration form at